Sunday, August 15, 2010

I hurt myself...... ><"

Sometime I'll do something to hurt myself bt I don't know.... Until the moment I feel pain with tht only I realized I did something over.......

Recently, I'm going to find out my friends n trying to match my time with the activities tht they having..... even i felt very tired bt I really enjoyed to b with them.... It's really make me can relax my mind n laugh out naturally...... I told them many times, pls inform me all the yumcha session, games.... Just let me know tht even sometime I need to work bt mayb I can join when I'm free.... bt seem likes nobody is going to do tht for me..... If keep on asking u all then u all will yim ngor fan.... wt to do!!!

Mayb I'm too excited with all the things n suggested lots of activities. The most important is I'm trying to manage my off day n changing shift to attend all the parties n activities until my chef said recently I gt a little over changing shift ady n gv me a small warning bt ppl will nt appreciate with wt u did somemore they r nt willing to KNOW..... Actually, I just gt 1 purpose with wt I did, tht was I hope all my frens happy n of cz I'll b great if I seen tht...... I also realized something which is I willing to match my time with them bt ppl r nt willing to do the same thing to me....

I really dislike ppl promise me something bt they unable to do tht...... As a girl, I'm consider flexible for chatting..... When I being with my frens, nt only girl talk can chat even boy talk also ok for me... no prob..... Nw I realized something, they r so scare to tell me something honesty...... U all really scare to me until tht level? I fucking hate ppl lie me!!!!

Yesterday I damn agree with wt my sis told me, she said" mayb u expect too high from ur fren".... I answered her " definately".........
My sis is leaving kl on today n dunno when she is back again. Somemore those frens who I knew for so many years also wanna treat me like tht.... To9 i really wanna cry out loudly!!!! ><"

Tuesday, August 3, 2010



这个月将会是很难挨的一个月了,忙也不知忙得过来吗...... 之前那个王八旦chef答应会派人来下午班分担一下我们的工作..... 他不守承诺就算了,还变本加厉到把我们下午班的人不放在眼里....永远是上午班的事为先,下午班就自己吃自己吧! 我不是对上午班的人有意见,只是我对那个死印度佬给予我们不公平的对待感到愤愤不平!!! 我真的气到心里开始不平衡了.....

真的很想到别的地方透透气,散散心...... 把工作先放在一旁,不去想它,碰它!!!所以现在如果朋友约我到什么地方游玩无论是爬山也好,打球也好,什么都好, 我都会二话不说的想尽办法调配工作时间,除非是厨房很忙或有人请假,要不然大多数都没问题.........
这是为什么最近的我比以前爱找朋友喝茶聊天,有时还觉得自己变得很爱烦人家了..... 一点都不象以前的我....... 真的不想的,不知为何心里感到越来越空虚,没有安全感还深怕失去身边的朋友......

整天在那儿胡思乱想的...... 哎!!!! 朋友们,就请你们体谅一下吧!!! 真的有麻烦之处就直接跟我说吧!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


目前本小姐还是在过着很纳闷的生活. 每天的时间表就是起床,上班,下班......这样的生活已长达约8个月了....... 这是为什么我会这么活跃地参加朋友们所主办的活动..... 即使再累,我也是要去..... 为了和一大班朋友一起高兴的畅游,这小小的牺算得了什么....即使牺牲睡眠也在所不惜.......

最近的我时不时就会发白日梦,要不然就胡思乱想的..... 我也不知为什么......
吃了20年的斋,想尝尝吃肉的滋味..... 我的意思是人们口中所说的"恋爱"..... 但一向被动的我, 真的很难踏出第一步..... 就好象昨天在fb所post的东西"我很欣赏勇敢面对自己感情的人.而我,即使有心仪的人也不敢坦然面对".... 其实真的有这么一个人的存在,但我不会有任何行动,我怕一旦讲了出来而他又拒绝了我,那以后就会很尴尬.....其实也可说,以前我拒绝过别人,我也深怕被他人拒绝的感觉..... 看尽身边朋友们的分分合合,心里总会有些阴影..... 如果日后有人主动表白而我又觉得不错的,那我会给自己一个机会..... ^^

目前的状况是,雨过天晴就好啦! 除非他向我开口,要不然这就会变成永远的秘密..... 我会把它埋葬在心底的最深处直到永远..... 不会有一个人会知道..... 朋友们,对不起啦!请恕我不能说出来,这也是对我自己一个小小的承诺....... 我要考验我们的缘分到底有多少........
现在希望和朋友们可以去多些地方游玩,放松自己..... 希望愿望成真!!!! ^^

Sunday, May 16, 2010


今天,突然兴致勃勃地想更新已有4 个多月没来浏览的blog. 我想让大家知道,我还是存在的,只是很懒惰更新而已。对不起哦!
过了今天后,我又不知要到何年何月再来更新了,希望有天心血来潮吧!最近的生活真的没有什么改变,每天在上班时做同样的东西. 说实在的,还真的有点闷了,每天都“赶死赶命”的做kitchen的production。工作时间将近4个月没改变了,但我又不是很喜欢早上班的工作,真是进退两难啊!只有一个字来形容现在的生活,那就是“闷”!

还有令我很头痛的是,我必须要在今年planning好明年要上的学校及科系。这真的考倒我了,不知哪一个是我真正想要的,又要每个月把我大部分的薪水储蓄起来以便在接下来读书的日子可充当零用钱或用来交杂费。读书的学费肯定要向ptptn借咯!不然哪来钱交学费呢??!!! 今年和明年真的还有很多事要想及做,这些事每天都会浮现在脑海中,真的蛮痛苦的。再加上爸爸还经常给我们几兄弟姐妹无畏的压力,让我有时喘不过气来,真的很想找朋友聊聊心事或大哭一场!有时工作压力和家里的压力也会使我躲在角落流泪!

我很想明年在家里举办21岁的生日派对,然后请很多朋友来分享我的喜悦。这件事还在筹备当中,又想省钱但又不想搞得寒酸。其实最主要的问题是在食物方面。我本身是想自个儿准备食物和在外买些回来,但姐姐叫我找那位妈妈朋友开的饭店,请他们为我准备自助餐但肯定得花上千了。这一点还在考虑当中,可能会请他们也不定,看下价钱如何才做进一步的打算。 真的不知如何是好,请大家给点意见吧!这毕竟是我的大日子,也是我这么久以来所举办的第一次生日派对,当然想和大家一起热闹的度过啦!

Monday, January 25, 2010

23.01.2010 本小姐的大日子

this is a really wonderful day for me...... Most of my secondary frens n other frens celebrated 20th b'day with me in the afternoon n night......

Location: -Restaurant Happy Season @ Wangsa Maju(noon)
-IOI Mall,

Happy b'day to me.... =)

Inner part of the cake
my b'day card .... nice!!!

This is wt I made.... It's decorated by my senior...

This wording was written by chef william

Winter section
Autumn section

Organizer & assistant organizer

Wao... this cake was very hard cz it's just taken out from the freezer

Counting money for the bill

blowing candles
Y I laugh until like tht????
Make a wish
Wt did u all doing thr????
Models..... haha!!!
Me & yuan Theng

Hui & ann


IOI Mall, Red Box@Puchong

Sis & Me
all crazy together on tht night....XD
gossip gossip.... haha... kidding!!!
Ada lee & Me
me & siew yeehaving our buffet dinner.......
Whr m I looking???

they all playing ps